Can't my year end accountant provide these
Accountancy firms have traditionally focussed on
year end accounting, audit and tax compliance
work, and more specialist tax planning and
corporate finance services. They can also
provide an invaluable helpdesk for technical
issues, VAT advice, etc. on specific matters.
They are usually highly skilled and able to
provide value for money in the delivery of such
essential services.
But many businesses find that finance director
type services are not always easily provided by
accountancy firms. This may be due to the
limited time availability of suitably
experienced staff, or the hourly fee charging
structures for such personnel, which makes it
too expensive to provide these services on an
ongoing basis. Some accountancy firms will
provide elements of the finance director service
(for example production of monthly management
accounts, attendance at Board meetings etc), but
they are often unable to deliver the full
service offering that can be provided by a part
time finance director.
I don't replace your external accountant and I
don't replace your bookkeeper. I provide a
complimentary service for both and sit logically
inbetween. In fact I have strong relationships
with many firms of accountants and work
regularly with them. I let the experts deal with
tax and compliance while I focus on cash,
profitability and growth.